of my earliest works of writing was a poem that seems to date back to before I attended
elementary school. In this poem, I attempted, with the most sophisticated
rhymes I could come up with at that time, to describe my favorite cartoon characters
in a humorous way. The result was a page long, crude poem that succeeded in
entertaining my friends and I and, although I have lost the original version, succeeds
in reminding me, even up to this day, the joy one can feel while writing.
still enjoy the fun and significance of words and their arrangement that I
first felt while writing that poem. The English language and its wide range of
vocabulary are, to me, fun and versatile tools to work with. I enjoy utilizing
a variety of words and always strive to increase my vocabulary as to enhance my
ability to more vividly describe a situation or express my thoughts. By making
use of a diverse vocabulary, I believe writers can convey the message they wish
to tell the audience in a livelier and more exact manner.
for tone, I try to find a balance between seriousness and humor, although that
does not always have the effect I intend. Depending on the type of writing, the
intensity or mood of the tone should adapt, and I am still working to improve
my writing in that field. A common trait in most pieces I write is that I enjoy
sneaking little bits of humor or into the writing. This humor sometimes takes
the form of light sarcasm or satire, and I include those bits to occasionally
relieve tension and overall try to make the writing more enjoyable. However,
sometimes this makes the certain parts unintentionally awkward, with an essay
that started out very sincere and serious suddenly having an out-of-place joke
in it. I am still trying to improve on that point. I also have a tendency to
write in an objective, observing tone, but this does not always work out. When
reading some of my earlier essays, I noticed that I often described events and such
in passive tones, which does seem to allow me to show the scene in more detail,
but also does indeed limit the amount of my personal feelings included.
problem, which is probably evident in this very essay as well, is my structure.
My essays are often either too simply organized or are far less organized than
they should be. Organization and coherence in writing are things that I definitely
need and want to improve on.
my experience as a writer is not yet that plentiful, I hardly think I have
written a particularly excellent piece of writing yet. However, I find the term paper I wrote in the first semester for Mr. Johnson’s class to be somewhat
significant. This was the first academic paper that I wrote, so I gave special care
while creating it. Although I know that I could have done better in certain
aspects, I am quite happy of the finished result. I enjoyed writing the paper
very much, as the topic I selected was one I had a lot of interest in.
is indeed a pleasant and engaging activity. In this semester, and for the rest
of my writing career, I hope to continuously improve my writing prowess while
having fun in the process.
You write very clearly and have an excellent sense of "clause management," which means your sentences are dynamic and balanced. This is one thing that marks progress in a writer's ability, and I'm happy to see it. Humor is also an important ingredient, and I agree it can be hard to know when it's called for or potentially awkward. In this class I think you'll find plenty of opportunity to use it.
답글삭제Having read your "beer paper," I couldn't help but search for bits of humor. A potential gold mine. I'm also wondering "why beer?" You're too young to drink it, and I hope you haven't learned to like it just yet. That said, it's a very original topic and the historical context is pretty amazing. How about the history of Korean beer? It's improving constantly and Cass Fresh is highly palatable. Hite, on the other hand, could use some help from the Germans. Tsingtao from China is really an interesting story.
Anyways, good stuff and I'm looking forward to reading more from you. If I can suggest one thing, it's increasing the font size and playing with some settings in your blog. It's a bit hard to read.